
Web Application Security and OWASP Juice Shop

Once you've learned the foundational principles of software developement, learning cybersecurity can seem like starting a daunting task all over again. However, now more than ever there are incredible reseources for the self taught. Over this last semester, I had a software security assignment that was perhaps one of my favorite projects of all time. The OWASP Juice Shop project is an interactive learning tool designed to help students of software security flex their hacker skills in a safe environment. In a practical sense, the Juice Shop is a fully functional store front and web application running locally on your machine. The catch is that this web application does everything wrong security wise. Therefore it's your job to exploit and document as many vulnerabilities as you can. I think the freedom, interactivity, and critical thinking involved in this exercise really set it above others of the same ilk, and with it being developed by the OWASP organization, you can be sure that they know what they're talking about.
I won't post my entire report here (since that rather negates the assignments purpose), but I wholeheartedly recommend it to fellow learners.

Concurrency in C

One of the main reasons that older languages like C remain so popular is their ability to interface with the system at an incredibly low level. From manipulating byte code in memory to system kernel calls, C is a language about efficiency over simplicity. Some of the best instances of this are Parallelism and Concurrency. While not unique to C by any means, the ability to perform operations concurrently across multiple processor cores is an incredibly important tool for developers, especially in the graphics rendering pipeline.
Check out my developer log video below to learn more!

3D Web Rendering

This little beauty is the product of two tech marvels: the WebGL JavaScript API which allows for the rendering of interactive 2D & 3D graphics without plugins, and Three.js library which greatly simplifies the 3D part of that equation.

While this isn't anything revolutionary (in fact it's the basic tutorial for using Three.js), it's new and incredibly exciting to me.

Isn't it neat?